Refined Financial
+ The term refined is actually described as, “developed or improved so as to be precise or subtle”. In personal finance people often think there is one thing they are missing or one big thing they can do to be the next Warren Buffett. We would argue that a solid financial plan does not take one big thing but many small things, a refining process if you will. Taking baby steps is what gets you to walk, then jog, then run in life. But it started small. We believe breaking down your financial situation into small bite size pieces makes it much easier for you to define, develop and ultimately refine into the plan you want it to be.
+ At Refined Financial we take a comprehensive look at your overall financial situation and couple that with your goals. Your goals could be financially, spiritually, or physically related, and our goal is to make sure your finances reflect those goals. We start one topic at a time. Our goal is to build a lasting relationship that starts with setting goals and seeing them though. Through a biblical perspective we never do anything without understanding how each decision impacts every area of your life. God calls us to be stewards of what He gives us and having a solid financial plan is step one in that process. Whether it is to pay off debt, invest wisely, or make sure the next generation inherits what you have built, we want to educate you in every part of your financial life. Financial goals are not separate from life’s goals and often times are intermixed.
+ God gave our founder a burden to reach people and change their lives through his knowledge of financial planning. We are founded on the fact that everything comes from God and we are to be good stewards of all that he has given us. This core belief is what sets us apart. We take God’s word very seriously, and will always conduct business with integrity and honor. We do not seek to just give you a piece of financial advise, but rather educate you on how financial planning impacts all areas of life. We couple our knowledge in finance with knowledge in God’s word and will always use both when considering what is best for every client situation.
Our Founder

George A Amedore III, CFP®
g3@refinedfinancial.co | Phone: 518.925.7716

+ Growing up in a Christian home I was always surrounded with good teaching. Teaching on life, the Bible, how to be a man, and as I got older also teaching about how to be a good steward of what God gives you. I am a student of the Biblical principles of what the Bible and Jesus teach about money.
+ I attended Liberty University where I received a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Finance - Specialization Personal Financial Planning. Previously I worked for a top tier private wealth management and financial planning company for nearly 6 years where I was able to attain my professional licenses (Series 7, 66, Life, Accident and Health Insurance), as well as the CFP® designation.
I have worked with over 5,000 clients over those 5+ years both over the phone and in person. I have performed hundreds of seminars and webinars on topics ranging from Cash Flow and Debt Management to more complex topics like Health Care and Estate Planning. I have worked with a very broad client base ranging from clients just starting out in their career to clients retiring or already retired, with client net worth's ranging from $0 to over $500 million.
+ Currently I am also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ for Refined Financial Management, where I provide sound financial advise and planning to dozens of clients.
+ Throughout my career I have helped clients in every topic of financial planning. Topics included: Cash Flow and Debt Management, Investment Planning, Retirement Planning, Income Tax, College Funding, Life Insurance, Estate planning and others. As a planner I am also well versed in company benefits as well as understanding how those benefits tie into helping you achieve your goals and objectives, and can teach you how to get the most of what is offered to you.
+ I am confident that I have the knowledge and resources to help guide and direct your financial and life goals to help you achieve all that God has called you to. I strive to always have a Biblical mindset first, allowing me help you understand what the Word says about money. Over two-thirds of Jesus’ teachings in the New Testament were on money and stewardship. There is a reason it was so important to Him, and I believe that when you are good stewards of what He gives, He will continue to bless you with more.
+ This firm is founded on those Biblical teachings, and we will always treat every client with utmost respect, honesty, and integrity. I leave you with my life verse, Romans 12:1-2 (MSG) “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and placid if before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside our. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”