Strategic Partnership

Dear Member,
Refined Financial has partnered with a leading financial planning company, Crystal Clear Finances, Inc. They have over 20 years experience helping clients create and implement personalized financial planning strategies.
Refined Financial and Crystal Clear Finances, Inc. have the same goal: Teach people how to keep Liquidity, Use, and Control of their money. That is what makes this a strategic partnership. Whether you are someone who would like a low cost, do it yourself, education on personal finances, or maybe you are someone who would rather let the professionals provide not just education but implementation to the plan, Refined Financial and Crystal Clear Finances is the answer.
We look forward to working with you,
George A Amedore III, CFP®
About Crystal Clear Finances
+ At Crystal Clear Finances, we have developed a 3 step process designed to help you be confident when making financial decisions.
Conversation: We start with a conversation. This time together is designed to get to know YOU! Helping us identify where you are and where you want to go.
Strategy: We work to create a strategy that shows a step by step plan on how to reach your goals.
Action: We walk through each step with you, providing guidance and advice as you move closer to you financial goals!
Investment advisory and financial planning services offered through Alphastar Capital Management, LLC; an SEC registered investment adviser. Alphastar and Crystal Clear Finances are separate and independent entities.